

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Assignment 4.2

These last few weeks in this course I have to say I have been learning a great deal of new knowledge regarding learning style perspectives.  The importance of understanding the different learning styles is crucial to have the maximum effect of teaching when trying to educate any student.   In the beginning of the semester I assumed every student learned like me, however in reading our text book I have learned this is not an accurate reflection. 

I desperately need to work on my lecture presentations in the class room.  I have seen my students nodding off half way through my lecture and thought maybe the material was to technically difficult for the students to grasp.  I also have felt a little insecure of my teaching capabilities and thought maybe I was not instructing properly.  I know now that there are many different learning styles and it is important to incorporate different approaches to my teaching style.

I have a new understanding of the power of thought.  My way of thinking is my way and no one else’s.  I also should never assume that others understand what I am trying to get across when communicating verbally.  In my daily and professional life I will think about how I am going to engage in conversation and be aware of how someone might interpret the words that come out of my mouth. 

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